Friday, August 26, 2011


Twelve years ago today I became a mommy, it hardly seems like it has been that long and in some ways it seems like it has been much longer. Just twenty years old and married for two whole years, we welcomed him into our lives as the anticipated blessing we now cannot imagine our lives without. He was the first of 3 and in the agonizing pains that lasted for hours upon hours he let his stubborness be known right off the bat, he let us know he was unique, gifted and special, yes all children are, all of them, But Christian has a way about him though, that when you meet him you know you have just been in the presence of someone that thinks differently and I think "different" is good. We all try so desperately to fit into the worlds mold and be "in" that we lose ourselves and our uniqueness in the process. Today we celebrate him, his life, and the gift he has been to our family, each and every person has been placed here on this earth to live, to become themselves, as parents we have been given the amazing opportunity to help other little people do just this, and then one day, those little people become big people and we hope we have done enough to lead them in the right direction, let us not waste any opportunity to love and nurture and teach our children to the best of our abilities, the years keep on rolling by and before we know it the twelve will turn into a twenty and on and on for as long as the Lord wills..... Happy Birthday Son, I am immensely proud to be your mom!       

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