Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Just Want to know the deep Mysteries of the Universe! Is that too much to ask?

So I've really been struggling lately with understanding the purpose of life, of my own life, yes, but I think more than that just life in general. I have been crying and whining to God for him to make this clear to me, It used to be clear to me, but for some reason I feel as though the answer has been blurred, like Im looking through a sheet and not seeing clearly, does anyone else ever feel this way? I love what the great C. S. Lewis says about God being the great Iconoclast continually shattering the images that we create for him, breaking that box that we put him in. God and his greatness cannot fully be understood in our limited capacity of understanding, But that being said he wants us to Know him. He displays this in Coming to earth to walk among us, to feel what we feel, to experience what we experience and to Love us! So How can we know God? how can we know what he desires for our lives? why? if he wanted our fellowship did he not just create us and leave us with him in Heaven? what is this earth experience all about? Tough questions, and yet I know this is not the first time these have been pondered and sought out, I believe that God has me at this point in my journey, and I believe he will reveal the answers to me, maybe not when and how I think he should, but I know that he is faithful, even when I am not. I also believe that God does not get offended by my questioning him, I think he has heard it all before and I think he loves me enough to guide me to where he wants me to go. So the journey continues, I look forward to seeing how God bring me through this to reveal his Glory to me, and bring me to a place in my heart and mind where peace abounds.

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