Sunday, December 11, 2011

For Wives Only (Christmas Edition)

So it's getting close to Christmas the kids are counting down the days, our family is looking at different ways of celebrating our saviors birth this year, and what should we as wives be giving to our husbands? I was pondering this very question yesterday, and here is what I think the best gift is..... Respect (huge for our men). But what does this look like? I think that so much of the marriages in our culture fail because of a couple of main reasons, 1. We are fed the lie that life is about our own happiness and that if we are not happy something is terribly wrong and we must do what ever we can to make ourselves happy, so in other words selfishness and 2. husbands and wives miss communicate. We think we are speaking the same language and we think we feel the same way as our spouse's about certain things..... but we don't, at least not always! So I was thinking what would be some "out of the box" ways of tangibly giving this important gift to the men we are committed to? and with Christmas so close why not now?  I have compiled a list below of some suggestions for us to consider or perhaps to get your own creativity flowing..... I know I know Christmas is stressful enough right? but here me out... I have a post coming for the husbands next and I think you will be happy to see the coin from both sides! As wives we have been given the amazing opportunity to build our husbands up, to encourage them, to believe in them to be the best they can be, to be their biggest fans, best friends, and greatest allies, here are a few Christmas suggestions, some are mine, some are from a few different sources, but all have the potential of becoming great gifts for the one you love, so without further ado....

  • Create a journal for your husband and tell him of all the ways you respect him, admire him and appreciate him, take your time, there are a couple of weeks left until Christmas, write in as many of or all of the pages if you can, then wrap it and put it under the tree.
  • Does he like to read? get him a book that will be meaningful to him and write a personal message on the inside cover.
  • Do you appreciate the way he leads? provides? fixes things around the house? Tell him, be specific, write him a little note telling him and slip it into his Christmas stocking
  • Celebrate the 12 days of Christmas with him, give him a little something for each of the 12 days leading up to Christmas, not a lot of money needed here, get creative, fix him breakfast in bed, write him a note, buy him a coffee, a chocolate, whatever, just let him know you appreciate him and you are thinking of him! 
  • Plan a get away for just the two of you, something that he would like, let him know this gift is because you appreciate all that he does for you and your family.
  • Get childcare for the entire evening, light a fire, get a bottle of wine... nuff said!
  • Lingerie, you are his gift, for his eyes only... nuff said! 
  • Take what ever opportunity you can to build him up in front of others, whether he is present or not.
  • Study him, know what he likes, what he does not like, use a respectful tone all the time, even when you are in conflict and even when your feelings have been hurt..
  • Create a memory jar, book, bag etc... fill it with strips of paper that hold memories you have of ways that your husband impressed you, loved you, honored you, was amazing and what ever else you can think of, dig deep and recall all the ways in which you appreciate your man, then wrap it and put it under the tree. 
  • Go on an adventure together, be his best friend, have fun, laugh as much as possible! 
    I have a couple more but I don't want to spoil any surprises for my own husband, so have fun with this, feel free to leave any idea's in the comments, it would be fun to build upon this list!

    1 comment:

    1. here is an Idea from my friend Kristina, what a great Idea!
      "Make a Titus 2 promise. I took several pieces of earth toned paper (to look more manly LOL) and created a collage. Then I took the passage in Titus 2 and rewrote it in first person on the collage as a promise to my husband. "I promise you..." and then I wrote the the passage and made it specific to our marriage and our relationship. I thought it was good for him to know that I understand my role in bringing joy and peace to this marriage and that it's not just his burden to carry. I know a lot of times men who've recovered from sexual sin tend to take on the blame and burden for everything that happens and I wanted him to know how much I appreciate his diligence in pursuing me and purity, and that I promise to do the same. I framed it in a gold frame and gave it to him at Christmas"

      great idea! Thanks Kristina!
