When my husband was going through a class focusing on recovery from sexual sin, one of the lessons focused on Vision vs. Fantasy and it talked about how fantasy is a cheap counterfeit for true vision, and how as children of God he offers us the real deal, we do not need to settle for cheap counterfeits, and we must learn to guard our hearts from the allurement of fantasy, which is really just smoke and mirrors and that which does not truly satisfy. So what does it mean to have real vision? and how do we get it? Good question if you ask me, because if we don't have vision, then we are not living life to the full, we are in danger of just drifting along, letting life just happen to us, or worse yet, letting someone else dictate our lives. So... how do you and I get vision? How do we not get to the end and look back and ask, what was that all about and why did I waste my time? The first part of this answer is we draw near to the one that made us and made us for a purpose. We cannot possibly know what our life's vision is without knowing the one who made us with his purpose in mind, the beauty of this is that he want's us to draw near to him, and to know him intimately, he want's us to see our vision from his perfect perspective. He want's to set us free to live a life of true vision. My husband and I had a conversation last night about which Lord of The Rings movie is our favorite in the trilogy, we both agreed that number 3 is not our favorite, and I said that I really favored number 2 "The Two Towers" one of my all time favorite movie scenes is in this movie, it is the scene in which Gandalf comes to set Theoden King of Rohan free from the evil spell of Saruman, Theoden has been under the control of the evil spell and deceived by Sarumans wicked apprentice wormtongue for a long time, he is under heavy oppression/possession and highly deceived, he is but a shell of the man he was designed to be and he is completely unaware of his state, the heavy spell upon him has all but stolen the air in his lungs as he lives being used to bring evil plans to his kingdom, then in walks his savior to release him from the evil, at first Gandalf is laughed at by Saruman (here we see resistance) then when Gandalf remove's his gray cloak and reveals his true power, Saruman (inside of Theoden) suddenly realizes what he is up against and trys to fight, but he loses and Theoden is set free, immediately upon being set free Theoden begins to regain strength, his eyes are no longer cloudy, he begins to see clearly again for the first time in a long time, and he recognizes the offender Wormtongue as the deceiver he is and wants to eliminate him for good. Then what does he do? he gets his vision back. He begins to be King again and make just calls for his kingdom, he becomes a man of honor and integrity once again and he leads his people in a loyal battle to fight against the very evil that once deceived him. What a beautiful illustration, do you see how Jesus our savior comes to us to save us? he comes to give us our vision, to set us free, to be people of integrity and honor, not to cower and hide and live in a fake fleeting fantasy realm, but to live in power and with vision and purpose, I love that! Jesus came to set us free, sometimes there are many times he must do this in the course of our lives, remember we do not wage war against flesh and blood, but Jesus is there always fighting on our behalf, always wanting to set us free, always wanting us to get vision, will you allow vision over fantasy in your life, will you allow God the chance to change you? your perceptions? give you your vision and be your true source of strength?
Gandalf aiding Theoden in his vision as king of Rohan
Ephesians 6:12New International Version (NIV) 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. |
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