As my husband and I continue to walk along in this journey we have uncovered some great tools to help us build a better future for our marriage and family, one of the tools we discovered was an e-book called "Life Plan" a step by step guide to designing the life you've always wanted. The Author of this e-book Michael Hyatt is the chairmen of the worlds largest Christian publishing company Thomas Nelson Books. My husband and I are currently going through this FREE e-book together and designing our life plan. In this book, Michael has you literally envision your own funeral, the reason for this is because he wants you to start at the end and go backwards to where you are now. How do you want to be remembered? who is important in your life? what kind of person to do want to be? he has you answer all of these questions and create different accounts for each important relationship in your life and each important responsibility that you hold, and then he breaks down how to live these out with intention and a plan. We had the privilege of hearing him speak at the Storyline conference we attended in early June, I highly recommend downloading a copy of this free book, it is available on his website, just click the link with his name on it above. One of the things that I highly admire about this man is his relationship with his wife, she is his best friend and it is very apparent when he speaks and writes, he protects her, he values her, and he is dedicated to being a faithful husband to her, this did not happen on accident or by the luck of the draw, it happened intentionally and with a plan. Take advantage of this great resource and free tool! We are really enjoying going through it, and creating a better plan for our lives!
Not to boast or anything, but one of those accounts, is me. Bet no one else who comments here can say that!! :)