Do you ever put limits on yourself? how about others? do you put limits on them? How about God? do you consciously or unconsciously put limits on him and what he can or cannot do? Some limits are good, they provide order and even safety, for instance you limit the amount of sugar you allow yourself or your children to eat, you limit the amount of TV or computer time you allow in your household, you limit the places you will let your children go and how long they can stay etc.. but these are different kinds of limitations I am speaking of, they are the limitations we place on our hearts, limitations we place on our own success, worth or even forgiveness, both for ourselves and for others. Do you sometimes figure "this" is as good as it's gonna get so we better just get what we can out of it? I am beginning to realize something, God has NO limits! seriously, nothing is out of his reach, and yet he chooses to not partake of certain things, things which we would call sin, Lying, unfaithfulness, lusting, gossiping, stealing etc.. in fact it's not just that he chooses not to partake but he can't partake, he can't because that would go against his perfect and flawless character and if he did, then he would not be perfect, he would not be God. Something really great is unfolding inside of me through this journey, and that is the realization of what a limited life I have lived all of these years, I have accepted the lie that "this" is as good as it's gonna get, and if "I can't have what I want then what's the use?" or the other lie of "well that's just how I am" or how about this one " I can't" not only are these things lies, they have chains attached to them, heavy chains, and these chains have dragged me down far too long. See God is showing me that sometimes blessings look differently then I think they should, and what is really neat is he is showing me that I have been wrong about so many things in my life for a long time. And not just that I was wrong, he is showing me that he was and is right,and I am allowed to take his rightness and put it on myself, in his rightness or righteousness there is no limit on his Joy, blessings and gladness that he has to offer, there is no limit on the help and counsel he is willing to give, there is no limit on the transforming work he can do in my heart, there is no limit on the hope he offers, there is no limit on the peace, strength, security, love, grace, healing and satisfaction that God and only God can provide in my life. So if this is true, am I living as if it is? am I living a life of freedom because I serve a limitless God who is not only able to meet but exceed all of my needs, to change my heart, mind and attitude to make it look more like his son's, but he is also willing to do this. He is willing. He is willing to show me that he can meet me, anytime anywhere, he is there, he is willing. He is willing to give me a better life, and to carry me through the pain of getting there, he is willing. He is willing and powerful and strong and not bound by any limits and he does not want me to be either. How long will be deceived by the evil and the lies? how long will we limit or God given abilities and not experience the fullness of his joy, because we would rather believe the lie that "we can't change" or we would rather "stick with what we know" I'm choosing to believe God when he said that the enemy came to steal kill and destroy but he came that we may have life, abundant life, life to the full, and I think that life comes from a limitless God who is able and willing to walk me through all the steps laid out before me, pain and joy, there is no limit on the good he can bring from it all!
John 10:10
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Michelle....I LOVE this!!! Thanks for posting!!!!