My Dearest Husband,
I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and that I am sorry for bringing up a painful memory of the past. I also want to share with you that I gained a little insight from it, when thinking about it made your spirit deflate. I realized that you really do feel regret and remorse over the actions you took, that you are not just sorry you got caught, but you were truly sorry for what you did. I know you have been telling me this all along right? I know, I know, but let me tell you something, it was like, something clicked or something was revealed to me and that was this realization of all you have been telling me and all you have been doing to make it "right" all the changes I have seen have been real! and you really do HATE the mistakes you made in the past. When you said that God shook you up and showed you all those ugly things to you that you were doing and entertaining, I believe you meant it, God really shook you up, turned your whole life upside down! I am so so so grateful that you listened! and though some of this journey seems slow going I truly commend you and I am very proud of you for coming leaps and bounds from where we started almost 7 months ago! you are proving to be a very admirable man, No you are not perfect, but you are willing to learn from your mistakes and putting effort into changing them, you are working diligently to prove your love and commitment to me and guess what?? I see that and it is speaking loud and clear to me! I love you so much, and I want to honor you, I want to be your helpmate, encourage you and respect you always, please forgive me for the times I dont do this very well. I am still learning and I will not stop, you have my word! I believe in you, I forgive you of your past mistakes and I believe that inside of you is the making of something great, and all glory to God that will be chiseled and refined and purified until the true you is revealed, the you that is a better man, father, and husband because of his mistake, a man of honor and integrity who walks upright with his God. I see these things in you my dear husband already, and I believe you will see these things in you as well! Thank you for fighting for me, for seeking me out and wanting to know my heart, for being patient with me and loving towards me. Thank you for being resolved to protect me and our marriage by guarding you heart and mind from here on out! I will do the same on my end of the team, I love you!
your team mate,